Hypertension is known as the silent killer. Too often, there are no symptoms of high blood pressure. Usually, the first symptom is a stroke or heart failure. That is why it is very important to have regular blood pressure checks.
It really is quite simple. Some supermarkets have digital machines that are free to use. Take the time to sit down and follow the directions on the screen. Ideally you want to see a reading of 120/70. If the numbers are much higher, seek the help of a medical practitioner.
Some people have a problem going to a doctor’s office. Go to the local fire department. They have the equipment to take your blood pressure and tell you the numbers and give quality advice. Most are even willing to perform a quick EKG. If they advise you to seek further medical assistance, it would be unwise to put off seeing a doctor. Early treatment can save your life.
Heart complications can be brought on by high blood pressure. Sometimes this can lead to hypertensive heart disease, causing illness or death. This disease carries with it more problems. One of which is coronary artery disease. The high blood pressure brings on thickening of blood vessel walls. And, this can cause atherosclerosis. This results in an increased risk of more problems like chest pains, stroke, heart attack and death.
Heart failure can occur because the increase in blood pressure makes the heart have to work harder. After some time the extra workload can cause thickening of the heart muscle. The heart pumping against higher pressure in the blood vessels can cause a serious problem with the left ventricle. This causes less blood to be pumped each minute.
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It is important to mention that about sixty percent of individuals who have a stroke for the first time don’t have super high readings. They have moderately elevated pressure of about 160/95 or above. Hypertension sufferers have as much as 10 times the normal risk of having a stroke. Of course it does depend on some other factors as well.
Hypertension sometimes causes silent cerebral infarcts. These are blockages in the blood vessels of the brain. They can be predictors of a major impending stroke. And, can progress to some form of dementia.
Along with hypertension and some of the drugs that are used in treatment can bring on the risk of diabetes. Those that have diabetes or kidney disease should make a strong effort to bring their reading to at least 130/80. This will help to protect the heart and reduce the chances of further complications.
It should begin to be very clear as to the importance of having regular readings. If going out to have someone do a reading is a problem for you, go to a pharmacy and buy a digital blood pressure monitor to use at your convenience. It is important that you begin to care for yourself, now.