Nowadays it is much more common to hear about autism than it has been in the past. Approximately one in every one hundred and fifty children in America is diagnosed with autism. It seems to be four times more prevalent in boys than girls. One in ninety four boys are affected according to the latest calculations of the Autism Society of America. Even with the increase in the occurrence of autism, it is still somewhat puzzling to know how to find the assistance and support needed to take care of an autistic child. There are, however, numerous organizations that can teach you the many important points you need to know about autism care.
An understanding of what autism is might be the best place to start. Autism is a condition that affects how the brain works and how children diagnosed with it are able to convey their thoughts. Children with autism may find it difficult to play, think, feel, or talk like normal children. Every autistic child is affected differently by the condition.
There are many symptoms that may or may not be present in a child who has autism. The child may be one who cries all the time or cannot be still for long and goes from one thing to the next very quickly. He or she may not like to be touched or may not hear you or understand you when you speak to them. Often children with autism will seem to be very anxious and moody. An autistic child might get agitated when changes are made in their regular routine to the point where they will have an intense temper tantrum. Many autistic children suffer seizures, and still others seem not to be aware of their own pain or discomfort.
If you suspect a problem with your child, you may need to have him or her hospitalized for testing and possible treatment. Autism cannot be cured, but there are treatments available that will give your child a better chance of leading a more normal life. Again, each child is different and his or her treatment may well be different than that of another child. It may include medication, counseling, or different types of therapy such as behavioral, physical, speech, or occupational.
If you are a parent or guardian of an autistic child, ask the child’s doctor or caregiver for a list of support groups, organizations, articles, or websites where you can find help in learning how to deal with this condition and how to give your child proper autism care. As a doctor, he or she should be able to direct you onto the right path to find all the help and knowledge you will need to successfully care for your special child.