Reasons Behind Reduced Eye Vision

If you want to enjoy the beauty of nature, historical monuments, and other beautiful creations of God and human beings, then your eyes’ vision must be good or you have to wear eyeglasses or contact lens. Wearing eyeglasses or contact lens can be an alternative to improve reduced eyes’ vision but nothing can be better than having better vision naturally. Here in this article, we discuss the reasons behind reduced eyes’ vision. We discuss the factors that often lead into the reduced vision.

    • Ageing: As we grow older, muscles of our eyes go weak similarly the muscles of other body parts. Therefore, reduced eyes’ vision is quite common in old age people.


  • Lack of Sleep: Like other parts of our body, our eyes also need rest. Therefore, we must take a sound sleep of eight hours daily. If we do not give proper rest to our eyes, then eyes’ muscles get tired soon due to which we have to face reduced eye vision. You might have noticed that when you are lacking sleep, then you need to put extra efforts to stretch the muscles of upper eyelids because eyes cannot stretch them itself, as they are tired.
  • Computers: There is no doubt that computer has become an important part of our life. Be it school, college, or office, we need to use computer for carrying out several tasks. When we use computer, we do not completely blink our eyes, which is the basic requirement of our eyes to generate natural tears. Due to reduced eye blinks, we face dry eyes syndrome, which may cause severe damage to the eyes if not treated on time. Therefore, it is always recommended to give a break to your eyes after every 30 minutes while using computers.
  • TV: Radiations that come out from the television can put adverse effect on eyes. Those who watch TV from too close and for long duration, often face headache just above the eyelids. Moreover, they have to stretch their eyes to completely view any scene. This is a sign of reduced eye vision.
  • Gaming: Now days, almost every second computer user is mad about playing games either online or by installing them on PC. When we play games we often lost into it. We even do not think to blink our eyes, which is the main cause of reduced eye vision. Playing game is good to give a relief to the mind but it should not be played for more than 30 minutes in one stretch.
  • Pollution: If you do a comparison between the people living in villages and cities then you will notice that the numbers of people wearing eyeglasses or contact lens are more in city than villages. What is the reason behind this? Only one, air pollution. Air in villages is much clean than the city.

These are the main causes behind the reduced eye vision. If we try to cut off the factors mentioned herein above like over use of computers, TV, etc. than we can have better vision. However, if you cannot stop using computers and watching TV for long hours than eye exercises can help in improving the eyes’ vision.

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