Stay Healthy, Feel Young and Live to Be 100!

Amazing news from the medical community! Between now and the year 2040, the number of people who will reach age 100 is expected to grow an astounding 746%! So what can you do right now to improve your already awesome odds? It’s easy: Just try these deceptively simple, study-proven health-boosters to make celebrating your centennial a shoo-in!

  • 1) Double your odds of reaching 100 by sleeping in! People who enjoy seven to eight hours of sleep nightly are twice as likely to reach a ripe old age as those who get less shuteye, reveals a new study out of the U.K.s University of Warwick and University College London.
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    a. Sleep’s longevity secret: Not getting enough snooze time disrupts your body’s production of the appetite-suppressing hormone leptin, raising your risk of life-shortening obesity. Plus, it triggers blood-sugar imbalances that can lead to Type 2 diabetes, explains lead study author Francesco Cappuccio, M.D.

    b. Need help getting Zzzs? Fill your bedroom with the scent of gardenias! This flower’s rich aroma sends levels of GABA, the brain’s relaxation chemical, sky-high. One to try: Essential Home Reed Diffuser Gardenia Refill, $9.99 at Kmart.

    Sleep well and avoid accidents! Getting enough rest can help you stay safer behind the wheel! The proof: Volunteers in a study out of Trent University in Ontario, Canada, performed significantly better on tests measuring the reaction times and accuracy-skills associated with safer driving-after eight hours of sleep than on days when they got fewer Zzzs.

  • 2) Enhance overall health by standing up! A just-released study of more than 69,000 women shows that sitting for three hours or less daily slashes your risk of cancer and heart disease by as much as 40%, compared with those who spend six or more hours on their duffs.
  • a. Standing’s longevity secret: Sitting for hours at a time slows your body’s metabolism, interfering with your ability to properly break down and absorb nutrients. This can lead to higher cholesterol, body fat and blood-sugar levels, upping your risk of disease, says lead study author Alpa Patel, Ph.D. Luckily, using your feet instantly charges up your metabolism!

    b. Need a reminder? Use your phone’s alarm or set an alarm at down to remind you it’s time to get on your feet!

    Chocolate turns off stress! Chocolate lovers have lower levels of stress hormones in their bloodstream than those who shun the treat, reveals a recent study in the Journal of Proteome Research. And that’s key for a longer life since stress weakens the immune system, making you more vulnerable to illness.

  • 3) Reduce inflammation with chocolate! Chronic inflammation is the top culprit behind many illnesses-including heart disease, Alzheimer’s and diabetes. Now scientists say there’s an easy way to combat it” Nibble dark chocolate! Just 6g. per day-two squares of a chocolate bar, two Hershey’s Kisses or a dozen semisweet chocolate chips-cuts inflammation 17%.
  • a. Chocolate’s longevity secret: Credit goes to dark chocolate’s rich store of flavonoids, which destroy the free radicals that cause inflammation, says lead study author Romina di Giuseppe, Ph.D.

    b. Not a chocolate lover? Eat more of these inflammation-fighting foods: vegetables, fruits, garlic, flax seeds, salmon, walnuts and almonds.

  • 4) Defy your genes with a few walks! Think your genes are the end-all and be-all when it comes to determining how long you live? Not so! In a 20-year study of nearly 15,000 twins, researchers found that the siblings who did at least 30 minutes of brisk walking six times per month were 20% more likely to outlive their couch potato siblings, reports the Journal of the American Medical Association.
  • a. Walking’s longevity secret: Study after study shows that taking walks, jumping on a bike or doing any activity that gets your heart pumping helps regulate your triglyceride levels, blood pressure and blood sugar, and even spur healthy cell growth-all keys to living a long, healthy life no matter what genes you inherited!
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    b. Need a nudge? Recruit your sister, mother or cousin to be your fitness buddy. Or simply make a deal to motivate each other via text message or Facebook. Interestingly, one study shows that women are more likely to exercise when family roots them on, while men are more likely to exercise when rooted on by friends.

    Good news about those 10 extra pounds! You don’t have to be skinny to live a long life! People who carry 10 to 20 extra pounds at middle age live about six years longer than their thinner counterparts, say researchers. Why? A little extra padding bolsters your immune system, making it easier to fend off illnesses!

  • 5) Dodge disease by looking on the sunny side! You already know looking for the silver lining boosts your moods. And a new study shows the upbeat habit also makes you 30% less likely to suffer from heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and cancer than your clinical peers!
  • a. Optimism’s longevity secret: Folks who see the sunny side of life feel more in control of their future-and that leads them to adopt healthier habits, say study author Hilary Tindle, M.D., M.P.H.

    b. Need a little help looking up? Boost your magnesium intake! One of the first signs of deficiency is a feeling of hopelessness. Try popping a supplement like Natural Factors Magnesium Citrate, $7.17 per 90 capsules, Vitacost.

    Smile to live seven years longer. A recent analysis of 230 photographs shows that folks who give a big grin to the camera live about seven years longer than those who look dour. Why? Flashing a big grin prompts the release of mood-boosting brain chemicals!

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